
The Legacy of Barack Obama and His Obamanites
Voodoo spin for voter sway
Self-deluded, homogay;
Twist the facts, exaggerate,
Hateful lies pontificate.
Tax the rich to fund the dole
Pump the paychecks down the hole;
Wasting money claimed to save
Not for health but for the grave.
Women blatter, bratkids shriek
Forcing all up feces creek.
Mopheads flaunt their loose long hair
Arms and legs they lewdly bare;
And in flipflops soxless feet
Impudently strut the street.
Crave to snuff the innocent
Slaves to "reproductive" freedom bent;
Giving women "choice" they claim
Childless bodies quick to maim.
Pseudo-science myths enforce
Evolutionary tripe of course.
Nitpick Priebus, Donald too
Don't forget Israeli Jew.
Middle name Hussein foretell
Holocaust and final Hell.